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Saturday 28 December 2019

Cloud Computing


                            Cloud Computing services

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Cloud computing is basically the availability of System Monitor especially data storage and cloud computing, without direct active management by the user. The term is generally used to describe data centers available to many users over the internet

What is Cloud Storage?

We usually use a traditional method for saving data such as hard drives, pen drives, ssd or any other storage device that has a lot of advantages. But once the storage device gets full or corrupt all the data is needed to transfer into another storage device or stored data gets lost respectively. Hence the term cloud storage comes into existence it acts as a replica of the traditional storage devices where the users can store their data and keep their backup files on hardware and USB flash drives.
for Largest It Company  Like google, facebook, amazon and many company works on  cloud storage.

1. Google Drive

As we know all cloud storage works the same way Like we store data overdrive in the format of photos, videos, text and many more. But there are many more features of Google Drive that make it special among all the other cloud storage because it lets the users store their personal stuff in a personal way and moreover the Google free cloud storage provides with excellent free storage of 15GB and is one of the best cloud storage.
The Google Drive offline services help its users to view all the files and photos that are saved online even when they have bad network service. Scanning documents have now become much easier by just taking a snap of the document and the rest is done by the drive like storing them in PDF form. Google free cloud storage is considered the best which is integrated with all other Google services.

2. Sync.com

sync is also one of the other best free cloud storage available. Sync.com provides free storage of about 5GB. It has become quite easy to back up files with Sync.com only when the users have used something better than the sync folder because exploring the sync.com web panel which offers incredible features is productive. The best feature of the Sync.com is the restoring of deleted files and thereby stops users from regretting mysteriously lost important documents.
Get free space feature is the most excellent feature that sync.com offers. If a user wants to get a bit more space for files and photos what is to be done is tell a friend about Sync and the number of friends signs up for sync gets a free gigabyte along with the user who recommends it to others. The Sync Vault is a feature which helps the users to save files and documents in a special storage space known as Vault which is different from the Sync folder and all that is required to be done just select a file and choose the option of Copy to Vault and your important data gets a backup.  

3. Mega

The mega cloud storage is a great storage space that is much similar to the dropbox storage but the difference between the two is the amount of the space that both the cloud storage provides. 50GB of free space is available for the Mega cloud storage users. Mega cloud storage helps users to download multiple files in the zip file and uploading files through the mobile app is also possible.
The unbeatable storage of 50GB has made it among one of the popular free cloud storage available and has attracted a large number of users towards Mega cloud storage. The users who are searching for an excellent backup file option should definitely sign up Mega cloud storage as it only provides the best storage but also with the many security features.

4. pCloud

pCloud is one of the best free cloud storage options that provide 2TB storage and its unlimited remote upload traffic feature makes it unique. It offers 10GB of free storage space to its basic accounts. Resizing pictures on the go without the help of software has now become much easier with my.pCloud, which provides a wide range of resizing options for its users.
The archive features the pCloud offers is amazing as files can be archived with the create archive option that it provides. The pCloud drive has an option that helps the users automatically lock the crypto folders each and every time they log off from the device.

5. OneDrive

Keeping documents and files within reach has become possible with the top free cloud storage solutions such as Microsoft OneDrive. Signing up with Microsoft can help users in keeping everything in one place. It earlier provided 15GB of free space to the users but has now reduced to 5GB. It can be accessed from any device at any point in time but is pre-installed in windows. This cloud storage is considered to be the second most wanted storage among businessmen after the Dropbox storage cloud.
The main disadvantage of outlook was the user frustration of saving attachments from emails because of the number of steps that involved but it has now become easier for the businesses to choose email attachments and save it directly in folders. Now it has also become easier to create excel surveys and save it in OneDrive.

 6. iCloud

The Apple iCloud is the best free cloud storage for Apple users. Initially, it provides users with 5GB of free storage. All documents and files can be stored safely and it is easy to use. The users of Apple iCloud can share photos and videos with ease with their family members. Organizing files and folders has become easy with Apple iCloud. Apple iCloud helps in sending messages and automatically and saves them. Even the users can start conversations from the exact point that they have stopped earlier.

 7. Amazon Drive

This is another best free cloud storage available that helps the users in saving photos and files securely. This cloud storage has many features that have made the handling of files easier. Maintaining a perfect workflow i.e. sharing of photos, videos, and documents, has now become easier with the powerful features of Amazon Drive. It provides 24*7 support and 5GB of free storage after signing up.

Friday 27 December 2019

Python Tutorial

            Python Keywords, Python Identifiers

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Python Keywords:

Keywords are the reserved words in Python.
We cannot use a keyword as a variable namefunction name or any other identifier. They are used to define the syntax and structure of the Python language.
In Python, keywords are case sensitive.
There are 33 keywords in Python 3.7. This number can vary slightly in the course of time.
All the keywords except TrueFalse and None are in lowercase and they must be written as it is. The list of all the keywords is given below.
Keywords in Python

Python Identifiers:

An identifier is a name given to entities like class, functions, variables, etc. It helps to differentiate one entity from another.

Rules for writing identifiers

  1. Identifiers can be a combination of letters in lowercase (a to z) or uppercase (A to Z) or digits (0 to 9) or an underscore _. Names like myClassvar_1 and print_this_to_screen, all are valid example.
  2. An identifier cannot start with a digit. 1variable is invalid, but variable1 is perfectly fine.
  3. Keywords cannot be used as identifiers.
    1. >>> global = 1
    2. File "<interactive input>", line 1
    3. global = 1
    4. ^
    5. SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  4. We cannot use special symbols like !@#$% etc. in our identifier.
    1. >>> a@ = 0
    2. File "<interactive input>", line 1
    3. a@ = 0
    4. ^
    5. SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  5. An identifier can be of any length.

Things to Remember

Python is a case-sensitive language. This means, Variable and variable are not the same. Always name identifiers that make sense.
While, c = 10 is valid. Writing count = 10 would make more sense and it would be easier to figure out what it does even when you look at your code after a long gap.
Multiple words can be separated using an underscore, this_is_a_long_variable.
This is the  part2 of python learning do follow us for staying updated by submitting your email_id on feed burner section on a web page
and for the advanced section, you can follow us on Github https://gist.github.com/SANTOSHSHARMA11
PART2 ends'

Learn Python Programming

                               Python Programming

Python is a powerful multi-purpose programming language created by Guido van Rossum.
It has simple easy-to-use syntax, making it the perfect language for someone trying to learn computer programming for the first time.
This is a comprehensive guide on how to get started in Python, why you should learn it and how you can learn it. Here we will discuss

How to Get Started With Python?

The Easiest Way to Run Python

The easiest way to run Python is by using Thonny IDE
The Thonny IDE comes with the latest version of Python bundled in it. So you don't have to install Python separately.
Follow the following steps to run Python on your computer.
  1. Download Thonny IDE.
  2. Run the installer to install Thonny on your computer.
  3. Go to File > New. Then save the file with the extension. For example, hello.pyexample.py etc.
    You can give any name to the file. However, the file name should end with .py
  4. Write Python code in the file and save it.
    Run Python on your computer
  5. Then Go running> Run current script or simply click F5 to run it

Install Python Separately

If you don't want to use Thonny, here's how you can install and run Python on your computer.
  1. Download the latest version of Python.
  2. Run the installer file and follow the steps to install Python
    During the install process, check Add Python to environment variables. This will add Python to environment variables and you can run Python from any part of the computer.
    Also, you can choose the path where Python is installed.
    Install Python on your computer
Once you finish the installation process, you can run Python.

Your first Python Program

Now that we have Python up and running, we can write our first Python program.
Let's create a very simple program called "Hello World!".  A "Hello, World!" is a simple program that outputs on the screen. Since it's a very simple program, it's often used to introduce a new programming language to a newbie.
Type the following code in any text editor or an IDE and save it as helloWorld.py
  1. print("Hello world!")
Then, run the file. You will get the following output.
Hello world!
Congratulations! You just wrote your first program in Python.
As we can see, it was pretty easy. This is the beauty of Python programming language.

This is the first part of python learning do follow us for staying updated by submitting your email_id on feed burner section on a web page
and for the advanced section, you can follow us on Github https://gist.github.com/SANTOSHSHARMA11
PART1 ends'

Online coding course

                      Online coding Platform ???

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There was a time when knowing how to program was for the geekiest of geeks. That’s not exactly the case today. As most entrepreneurs, freelancers and marketers will tell you, learning how to program can help you succeed. Over the past year, I've been learning to code. It's helped me to become a much better entrepreneur: I can dive in, for instance, when my team needs to fix a few bugs on the site. 
You don’t even need to shell out a ton of money or put yourself in debt to learn how to code, either. These 12 places offer coding courses for free

1. Codeacademy

One of the most popular free places to learn to code is Codeacademy. In fact, more than 45 million people have already learned how to code through this educational company’s engaging experience. At CodeAcademy, you can dive right in and take courses that teach you everything from HTML & CSS, JavaScript, and SQL to  Bash/Shell, Python, Ruby and C++.

2. Coursera

Founded in 2012, Coursera has grown into a major for-profit educational-technology company that has offered more than 1,000 courses from 119 institutions. While you can pay for certain programs to receive a certificate, there are a number of free introductory programming courses in various specializations from universities such as the University of Washington, Stanford, the University of Toronto and Vanderbilt.

3. edX

edx is another leading online-learning platform that is open source instead of for-profit. It was founded by Harvard University and MIT in 2012, so you know that you’ll learn about cutting-edge technologies and theories. Today, edX includes 53 schools

4. Udemy

Udemy is an online learning platform that can be used as a way to improve or learn job skills. While there are courses you have to pay for, there are plenty of free programming courses, which are taught via video lessons, such as Programming for Entrepreneurs -- teaching Django- the #1 Python Frameworks, APIs, HTML, CSS, + Payments.

5. AGupieWare

AGupieWare is an independent app developer that surveyed computer-science programs from some of the leading institutions in the U.S. It then created a similar curriculum based on the free courses offered by Stanford, MIT, Carnegie Mellon, Berkeley, and Columbia. The program was then broken into 15 courses: three introductory classes, seven core classes and five electives.
While you won’t actually receive academic credit, this is a perfect introductory program for prospective computer programmers.

6. GitHub

Sometimes, you need to recall a reference book when you’re stuck on a problem. That's GitHub, where the site says, over 31 million developers collaborate to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Many programming languages are used here and a Coding Camp teaches the basics.

7. MIT Open Courseware

If you’ve already learned the basics, and want to get into something a bit heavier -- such as exploring the theory behind coding -- you can take advantage of MIT’s free courseware site, which includes classes such as Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Pythonand language-specific courses like Java, MatLab and C and C++.

8. Hack.pledge()

This is a community of developers, which include some high-profile developers such as Bram Cohen, the inventor of BitTorrent. Here, you can perfect your programming skills by learning from some of the leading developers in the world.

9. Code Avengers

Based out of New Zealand, Code Avengers provides a fun and interactive programming lessons for kids 5 to 14; for schoolteachers wanting to teach coding; for people going into coding professionally; and for creators ages 15 and up. Also offered are one- to three-day "code camps" for students up to 17. These day camps are located in multiple states -- and foreign countries.
Courses focus on game design, C++, HTML, Python and more and they're available in multiple languages.

10. Khan Academy

Created in 2006 by educator Salman Khan, Khan Academy is one of the original free online-learning institutions. With step-by-step video tutorials, you can learn how to program drawings, animations, and games using JavaScript and processing, or learn how to create webpages with HTML and CSS. See, especially, Khan's "Hour of Code," designed to introduce students to one hour of computer science and computer programming.

11. Web Fundamentals

This Google project for web developers launched in 2010 to counter Apple’s HTML5. The site is full of tutorials, resources, and the latest HTML5 updates. It’s open-source, so developers can play around with HTML5 code. Because this site's offerings are more advanced than most introductory courses, you'll need some knowledge and experience before jumping in.

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